Thursday, October 25, 2012

Life is Change

I can't even read my last post here... Whatever was written at that time feels floaty and drifted towards the edge of daily consciousness. All my focus consumed is by the lack of forward-momentum, defined by the hamster wheel of modern society but filled with the dreams of artists. The waving cycle of being consumed by the ideas of the corporate model and filled back up with the ideas of favorite thoughts can be a complete experience. It feels like trying to move forward quickly through the water-like air of a dreams, getting wherever you are going- seemed so clear a second ago- as fast as you can which is so obviously so far from sufficient. Then one night, you throw a punch. YOU THROW THE WHOLE PUNCH! You hand moves through regular air with the force of your strength and you make contact!... and... absolutely... nothing... happens... after that. Searching for the breakthrough, moving toward it, is imaginably comparable to deliberately hunting a willow-the-wisp. It is deliberately chasing elusive possibilities with the glimmer of reward shining through the woods. High risk, high reward. But you can always get lost. And so many do.

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